Tuesday, September 29, 2009

How it began

So it started about 6 months ago. I was cleaning out the trunk of my car (this happens like...never) and underneath the mounds of junk I found a silver starburst brooch. I had no idea where it had come from and couldn't imagine how it got there. I knew I would never wear a brooch, but I didn't want to get rid of it because it was really quite pretty. So I placed it in the center console of my car (this is precisely how my car gets so messy). Fast forward 5 and a half months and I was sitting in traffic one morning after dropping my son off a school. Don't really know why, but I picked up that brooch and held it up to my head and thought "hmmm, that would be super cute in my hair." I knew it was too heavy for a bobby pin or clip so I immediately thought HEADBAND!!!!!!! Headbands seem to be all the rage what with the influence of "Gossip Girl" (not that I have ever seen the show) and other shows of the like, so I knew that my idea would possibly have a chance if I decided to sell. I felt so inspired that I spent the rest of the day shopping for materials and sat down that evening and made my starburst headband plus 3 more. That was it friends....I was hooked!!!!!!! While the original headband was not vintage, it most certainly was vintage inspired. But I really wanted all future jewelry purchases to be authentic vintage. I am now frequenting antique shops and estate sales for earrings, brooches, and bracelets from the 1940's and 50's. I love looking through the jewelry cases and imagining what the woman who once owned this jewelry was like. Was she quiet and reserved, or was she loud and flirty? Was she a stay at home mom like me who only used the jewelry on weekends and for special occasions, or was she a business woman who dressed up everyday? When she put the jewelry on did she feel beautiful and special, or did she have no appreciation at all for the delicate and glittery accessories? I will obviously never know, but it is so much fun to think about. What I do know is that when each of my customers puts on their headband I want them to feel amazing! If they are having a frumpy, bad hair, not feeling good about yourself kind of day, I want them to be able to slip on their headband and feel better! A glittery headband is like a good pair of shoes. It can transform an outfit and an attitude.

Ok, enough bloggy, bloggy....gotta go put my sweet kiddo to bed. Then I plan to start watching some backed up DVR recordings, chug a Red Bull, and get to crack-a-lack-in on some headbands. Goodnight all!!!!